Kelowna Daily Courier

Clawback cruel to needy citizens


The B.C.’s government’s stealthy move to deduct federal employment insurance payments from provincial social assistance payments is nothing more than callous.

In B.C., social assistance, which is composed of income assistance and disability assistance, is already far below the Canadian poverty line, as well as the $2,000 per month the federal government said is needed to fund a minimum standard of living.

Finding yet another way to claw back what little income people on disability and income assistance have will push struggling British Columbians even further into the margins.

It is sad and disheartening to hear our government espouse the rhetoric of inclusion and community well-being, while showing such brazen disregard for an already neglected demographic in our province.

People who are financially vulnerable now face another barrier because of this. Not only does it impact their financial situation, it also threatens their mental and physical health, in an already difficult time that is making inequalities more pronounced.

To B.C.’s policymakers, please take more time to consider how your decisions can crush kind, caring British Columbians who just want a decent life for themselves and their families.

Spencer van Vloten, Editor, BC Disability,






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